
Thursday, 6 December 2018

Inquiry: Space Craft

This is our space project we did spacecraft, so far we have searched up questions we didn't know and find the answer to it. We were pretty shocked at the results that we got. One of our questions was what protects you in a space suit ? the answer A space suit protects you from high and extreme temperatures in space, our second question was why doesn't space have any gravity ? you can see the answer on the slide show me and my partner made. Our next question was whats in a spacecraft ? in the space craft is an a electrical power generator and a distribution subsystem. Our second two last slide was facts about space which you can also see on the slide.Our last but not least slide was a spacecraft that we made on Tinker-cad and added a bit of shape so that we could get the results we wanted and we did.

from Salati & Quintin